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Information Regarding PUD Development and Annexation


COMMENTS from Paige Bowers, Planning Commission regarding PUD Development and Annexation in the Town of Central

Tonight, I wanted to try to address some concerns that individuals have about the recent annexations & the PUD Development.

Let’s start with the PUD development.  Typically, with zoning you know what is going to be built and you apply the appropriate zoning based on the surrounding zoning for the parcel.  This describes the way the parcel with be developed with appropriate setbacks, buffer yards, etc. based on the zoning.  A PUD is almost backwards from that.  You must first agree on the density and parcels that you are going to use for the PUD.  If you can agree on this then you move forward with having conversation and asking questions of the developer. The honest answer is that we can tell you what they have asked for in density but we are not at the final development plan so we do not know what the roads, traffic flow, signal lights, buffers, trees, common areas etc. will look like yet.  That is why the majority of us voted yes last Monday so that we could get the answers for these questions by having a conversation with the developer.  We must talk to SCDOT and look at a traffic study to know what will be asked of the developer regarding traffic and those improvements will decide if he can have the density that he originally asked for.  Right now, there are more questions than answers but the conversations that we will have in the coming months will start providing us with these answers.  Nothing is truly locked in right now with this development and hopefully understand that we are diligently trying to get answers to questions, but we honestly do not have the answers now.  A PUD is a process and right now we have completed the 1st step of the process and are proceeding to the next step.  As we go through the steps we will get more information.  It is important that everyone understands that nothing will be built as a PUD until Council approves the final plan.  I have also spoken to Phillip Mishoe, our Town Administrator, about getting an outside resource who is familiar with PUDs.  A member of the planning commission has spoken with 2 individuals that fits this need and we are working towards getting one hired to be present & involved with the Planning Commission through the PUD process.

Let’s finish with the recent annexations.  About 40 years ago we were told by the court that we were entering into an agreement with Clemson about the annexation lines, this goes from the Hardees area to the HWY 123 area.  We have honored that agreement and have always spoken to Clemson when we were close to that annexation line.  The other thing that is taken into consideration when annexing is who is providing the services.  Over 3 years ago we annexed a parcel of land on 18-mile road without asking for permission from Clemson.  We did not feel that this parcel was in question or part of the agreement because we would provide sewer and HWY 88 water would provide water and our attorney agreed with us so we moved forward with the annexation.  Clemson, however, did not agree and filed a lawsuit against us which has still not been resolved.  When the Grange was built Clemson provided the water, however the Town of Central provides the sewer service.  

I believe that we need to protect the Town of Central from becoming a donut hole that could then be forced into the surrounding Town.  That is the reasoning I used for my recent decisions.  As a native of Central, being forced into another Municipality is a real fear that we should all have.  I love Central and want it to continue to be a viable town.  This will require us, as a council, to make tough decisions that not everyone is going to agree with.  

One of the things that will happen soon is an upgrade to our sewer treatment facility but that was already going to need to happen.  I want the Town of Central to keep its charm and small-town community but that is about the people not the town.  If we do not grow, then we are dead.  That is true of every living thing, and I want that to be true of Central.  I hope this helps and I will gladly attempt to answer further questions when I know the answers.

Thank you!

Paige Bowers

Planning Commission, Town Councilwoman